The Franchise system operated by Dyno-Rod Group (DRG), is one of the most tried and tested of any franchise opportunity. As a founder member of the British Franchise Association, the first Dyno-Rod franchise started in 1965. Since then, by refining and perfecting our franchise system, we have helped many enterprising people to succeed in running their own businesses. Exploiting its franchise expertise DRG continues to expand creating business ownership opportunities in 2 complementary franchises:
Dyno-Rod has established a commanding leadership of the drain cleaning market that it pioneered. Since the late sixties the Dyno-Rod service has been available nation-wide. As a result of our unmistakable corporate identity, including Day-Glo vans and bespoke uniforms, and our on-going marketing campaigns. Dyno-Rod is a household name with over 80% recognition in the market place. More importantly, in a market which tends to attract "cowboys", our reputation for high quality service and professionalism stands out. People use Dyno-Rod because they know it's a name they can trust. Dyno-Locks was established in 1987. It receives the benefits of being developed from Dyno-Rod's market position. They share the same identity, use the same operation systems and enjoy the same level of marketing support and above all share the same ambition. The services Dyno Franchisees offer are necessities not luxuries and are therefore resilient to adverse economic conditions. The Scope Of The BusinessThe Market of DRG emergency repair service encompasses all types of properties - houses, factories , schools, offices, hospitals, shops - and offers considerable scope for expansion. The two franchise networks deal with problems that are totally unexpected and can occur no matter how thorough property maintenance is.
DRG's market standing means that our customers expect us to fulfil this need. The franchisee's obligation is to ensure that their expectations are always met, by organising the business to provide a high quality, rapid response and maintenance service around the clock. Our Support For Your BusinessDRG's support for its franchise network covers two main areas:
Our support package which is one of the most comprehensive from any franchise operator, covers every aspect of the customer service cycle, form securing the telephone call to collecting payments. Our Training ServicesProper training is the cornerstone of any franchise. DRG designs its training courses to ensure that despite having no previous technical or business management experience, franchisees are fully proficient in how to run their business from day one. Our initial training covers all you need to run a successful franchise by combing classroom experience with field tuition.. Once you have grasped the basics of running the service our business training team will work with you to perfect business development and leadership skills. We will continue to monitor your progress and offer training assistance when required.
The Dyno FranchiseeThe many enterprising people who have been awarded a DRG franchise are all ambitious enough to want to run their own business. They come from a variety of backgrounds, often with out any previous experience business ownership. What they share is the desire and commitment to benefit from the rewards of workingfor themselves. Combining this with the resources and experience of DRG produces a very powerful business building force. Our franchise system is based on a dynamic partnership of mutual dependence. We are prepared to invest considerable resources in your business because, in the long run, we are dependent on your success. We won't run your business for you - our franchisees need commitment, drive and ambition - but we will provide you with every possible support to ensure that your business works and grows. ContactTo find out more about the opportunities available with the Dyno-Rod group contact our Franchise Department on : 0500 456267or have a look at our web site http://www.dyno.comor send us an e-mail: postmaster@dyno.comDyno-Rod Plc.
The Franchise Business, 18 Chilsdown
Way, Purbrook, Waterlooville, Hants. PO7 5DT