Ribbon Revival

The modern Laser and Ink Jet printers have together with the computer revolutionised the way we do business. Conservative estimates indicate that the market for print consumables in the UK is in excess of £650 million and growing rapidly month by month. Astonishingly some 90,000 home printers are bought each month increasing demand on consumables.

Ribbon Revival formed in 1991 has grown rapidly into a substantial company with turnover of over £8 million in 1996. The company offers business and home users the opportunity to save money on print consumables whilst at the same time being ecologically friendly to the environment. ( A powerful combination)

The Franchise

The Ribbon Revival Franchise offers a tremendous opportunity to create a substantial business, developing our proven business plan, and backed by our experienced head office team.

We have a complete programme designed to ensure our Franchisee's success. The programme will guide you through every aspect of setting up your business and developing a strong customer base.

The success of our business is wholly dependant on the skills of our Franchisees and the teamwork designed into our systems. Each Franchisee forms an integral part of the organisation which offers a platform for our Franchisees to build on our success.

The Future

We have a dedicated research team that will allow us to keep pace with and out perform changes and developments in the market

Overseas Developments

In addition to our normal Franchise recruitment in the UK we are also searching for individuals, consortiums and established business to develop a European network of master Franchisees.

Franchise Investment

Licence Fee £5,000 per 250,000 population
Territory Defined by postal code
Management Service Fee 9%

Franchise Package

Equipment £4,250
Training £2,500
Consumables £2,000
Launch and Marketing Programme £1,250
Stationary and Corporate Identity Material £750
Total £10,750

Expected Turnover/Profit

Expected 1st year turnover £70,000-£100,000
Expected 1st year profit £21,000-£30,000

If you would like more information about the Ribbon Revival Franchise please contact Mik Underdown at ribbonrev@post.guernsey.net


Tel: (+44) 01481 729552
Fax:(+44) 01481 729554
Ribbon Revival Ltd.
Caslon Port,
Pitronnerie RdB.F.A. Associate Member
St Peter Port
Channel Islands

Or if you would like us to arrange for a brochure to be sent to you email us with your name & address

or return to The Franchise Business site

The Franchise Business, 51 Cowslip Rd, Creekmoor, Poole, Dorset, BH18 9QZ
Tel: (+44) 01202 690942 | Fax:(+44) 01202 605595

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